Since we’re in the business of outdoor events, we understand just how destructive our darling Mother Nature can be. But we also know how important your occasion is, so we’ve come up with a few ideas to help save the day...
Plan B: Be smart so that if the weather doesn’t work in your favour on your big day you have a Plan B to fall back on. (Your Plan B might be arranging things so that you can pull things indoors quickly. Or you could also just throw everything into the swimming pool on the assumption that once everything is sodden, it can’t get any wetter. But that might not suit Anal Aunt Alice.)
The weather over there: If you’re planning a destination wedding, don’t forget to learn as much as you can about the weather in that destination. That dirts cheap airline ticket to a tropical island? Could be because it’s hurricane season. Although you might be looking forward to partying up a typhoon, you don’t want to plan your wedding on a tropical island during hurricane season. Trust us on this one.
Booking business: Always check the venue’s cancellation and postponements policies, and pay attention to policies regarding postponements due to natural disasters or ‘acts of god.’ How far in advance can you cancel or postpone, and how far in advance are they required to notify you if they cannot fulfil their contract? (And no, you probably won’t be able to cancel if you suddenly discover that you’re wearing the wrong undies as you’re walking up the aisle.)
Insurance assurance: One way to safeguard your big day: invest in wedding insurance. Research the available policies, and always read the fine print. Your special day is likely to be a major financial investment so choose a policy that’s appropriate for you, your location and your peace of mind. Don’t skimp on the insurance; when in doubt always, always… *always* safeguard yourself and your day!
Make a list. Check it twice: Always make sure that you have an updated and accurate hard-copy of your master list - which should include contact information of all wedding vendors, guests and members of the wedding party, and make sure that both you and your right-hand person (maid-of-honour, wedding planner, mum, best friend) have copies of this list. This way, any last minute changes in venue can quickly be communicated to all vendors and guests
Use the technology: There are numerous flight-tracking, road travel and weather applications that will help you stay on top of schedules, changes in weather and delays in travel. Forewarned is forearmed.
Calm, Cool, Collected: It’s happening - and there is nothing you can do about it. The weather’s worsening - or maybe disaster’s already struck - but you need to stay calm, cool and collected. The important thing to remember is that none of us can control ol’ Mother Nature - but we can prepare for her. So stop, breathe, and rely on your vendors and the people who have planned your day to help you weather the storm. And remember that Tentickle marquee tent manufacturers, UK based, high-quality tent suppliers, provide peace of mind because there tents can withstand some of the most harrowing weather and wind speeds up to 40 knots.