5 Astuces pour réussir sa réception de mariage sous une tente
1° Subvenir aux manques éventuels d’aménagements :
– Prévoir les branchements électriques qui devront être faits lors de la réception (traiteur, DJ…) et donc mettre à disposition un accès à l’électricité sur les lieux
– Prévoir également des sanitaires (toilettes, point d’eau), si il n’y en pas sur les lieux de la réception
– Prévoir des installations de chauffage pour le confort des invités
2° Evaluer l’accessibilité du lieu :
– Prendre en compte le déchargement en camion de la tente et donc prévoir un accès pour celui-ci
– Prévoir l’accessibilité pour les différents prestataires qui doivent opérer lors de la réception (traiteur, DJ…)
– Prévoir un parking pour les convives
3° Choisir un aménagement assez grand pour la réception :
– Compter 1m2 par personne (si vous recevez 250 convives à votre réception, prévoyez une tente de 250m2). Si vous souhaitez installer une piste de danse (25m² minimun), plusieurs buffets(5m² par buffet), des espaces dédiés aux animations (comme le photobooth), prévoyez des mètres carrés supplémentaires…
Ensuite, il vous faudra louer tout le matériel nécessaire à la réception : tables, chaises, buffet, éclairage… Vous pourrez aussi agrémenter votre tente de tissu supplémentaire pour décorer : cache poteaux, vélum, cache gouttière….
4° Prendre en compte l’état du sol :
– Si le sol du lieu de votre réception n’est pas totalement plat, optez pour un parquet dit « Auto-porté », qui corrigera les inégalités.
– si le parquet ne vous convient pas, vous pouvez toujours ajouter de la moquette aiguilletée pour le recouvrir
5° Economiser sur votre budget mariage :
– Plus tôt vous réserverez vos tentes de reception, davantage d’argent vous pourrez économisez
Posted on June 25th, 2018
Louer une tente de réception pour un évènement
On y est, le beau temps (et un peu de chaleur) a fait son apparition le weekend dernier et annonce les prémices d’un printemps un peu plus ensoleillé que jusqu’à présent. Et ça s’est senti sur les locations de tentes de réception, barnums et autres chapiteaux de ce weekend. Pour cette raison, on a décidé (après notre focus sur la location de camping-car), d’aborder le thème des tentes de réception.
Les types de tente de réception en location:
- La tente pliante ou tonnelle de jardin est un modèle simplifié, facile à installer et rapidement démontable. Elle est en générale ouverte sur les cotés et permet principalement de s’offrir un coin d’ombre que ce soit pour un repas ou une après-midi à l’extérieur.
- La tente modulable offre une protection plus importante puisque souvent fermée sur un ou plusieurs cotés. D’une structure en métal plus importante, elle est également plus compliquée à monter. Ce modèle de tente de réception reste l’un des plus loué malgré un prix de location plus élevé.
- Le chapiteau désigne souvent une tente de réception d’une plus grande superficie avec une armature complète. La location de chapiteau peut désigner tout type de structure. Mais il est commun de désigner le chapiteau pour abriter un événement de grande envergure comme un mariage, un anniversaire, qui nécessite d’accueillir un grand nombre de convives.
Louer une tente de réception ?
Pourquoi louer une tente de réception plutôt que de l’acheter ? Bon allez, on vous donne quelques pistes… Tout d’abord, vous n’aurez pas les mêmes besoins selon les périodes et les événements. De la simple tente pliante pour un apéro entre amis dans son jardin, à la structure pouvant accueillir plusieurs dizaines de personnes pour un mariage, vous n’aurez quasiment jamais besoin de la même surface ou de la même structure. Un peu comme la différence entre un vélo de course et un VTT. Vous ne pourrez pratiquer les deux disciplines avec le même !
Question pratique, la location de tente de réception ou d’un barnum a aussi ses avantages. Plus besoin de lui trouver un espace pour le stocker l’hiver et le retrouver plein de poussière. Le louer, c’est la garantie d’avoir un matériel propre et entretenu uniquement pour les beaux jours ou lorsque l’occasion se présente. Et puis comme ça on évite de perdre des pièces, piquets, ou autre partie de la structure au fond de son garage ou de son débarras.
Enfin, l’aspect économique. Acheter une tente de réception si l’on risque de s’en servir 2 fois par an, c’est la garantie de rentabiliser son achat sur une dizaine d’années ! (bon j’exagère un peu sûrement mais on ne doit pas être loin). Louer sa tente de réception permet aussi de bénéficier d’un matériel récent et moderne !
Source URL: https://fr.zilok.com/blog/1181-louer-une-tente-de-reception-pour-un-evenement
Posted on May 9th, 2018
It’s More Than Just a Tent

There are so many functions and events that are stepping up their game and using the different spaces in such a great way that it creates a magic and enchanting feeling to the event. There are so many ways that one could utilise their stretch tents and the structures around them. However, not everyone has the right understanding of how to use their stretch tent as more than just a structure. When in fact, when it comes to festivals, weddings, parties and everything else, there is more to do than just have some light, a few places to sit and music to listen to.
Getting the Value for Your Event
A stretch tent should be used to create a feeling of awe, and not just a temporary roof. Your event and your attendees deserve the extras that take it from a braai, to a life time’s memory. By having the best accessories and décor for your event with the tent, you’re able to bring that to your guests. It will be great to have some resemblance of a floor that will protect the ground that it rests on, as well as the guests. Having more luxurious seating arrangements allows everyone to feel comfortable as opposed to breaking and dirty plastic chairs.
What You Could Have at your Event
Thankfully there are means of weather protection that work well in stretch tents. There are mist spraying fans or mushroom heaters. There are various means of creating a suitable floor, that will complement the feeling and the look of the event and that are high hell safe. There are various ways of seating everyone, it could be with picnic benches or it could be with comfy couches or on a bar stool. Don’t forget that if you want a red carpet with velvet rope, that you actually can have a red carpet with velvet rope.
Hire a Stretch Tent Today
So a big birthday is coming up or you’re hosting an event and you wish to take it to the next level. Get in touch with Tentickle Stretch Tents and get the tent best suited for you, as well as turning a tent into a ballroom. Some marquee manufacturers have a wide range of décor for hire that will bring a touch of elegance to anything. For the best marquee manufacturers - contact Tentickle Stretch Tents - for the best advice, service and quality.
Article source: https://stretchtentdesign.tumblr.com/post/173571482059/its-more-than-just-a-tent-there-are-so-many
Posted on May 4th, 2018
2018 Wedding Trends: What's Hot for 2018
Are you planning a wedding in 2018? If so, you need to know about these hot wedding trends!
If you’re planning a wedding in 2018, then a great place to start is of course 2018 wedding trends! After all, finding out what's going to be hot in the year you say 'I do' will be vital when it comes to planning your special day.
From gorgeous bridal wear trends and unique décor ideas, to the latest in wedding stationery, we have a mix of all the latest 2018 wedding trends you need to know about!
2018 Wedding Venue Trends
More often than not, the type of wedding venue you book will usually set the tone for your entire wedding theme.

Recently, we’ve seen a huge move towards industrial-looking venues. These types of venues tend to be more of a blank canvas, where couples can really go to town on the reception décor and make it their own. Another wedding venue trend, which has been rapidly growing in popularity, is wedding marquees. These offer even more of a blank canvas to create the perfect dream wedding - exactly how you imagined it!

Open spaces and industrialised architecture is a key trend for 2018 weddings – and we’ve really taken to this here at hitched, as it allows couples to host a modern wedding with real character. Hitched's Editor, Sarah, says: "It's becoming clear that more and more brides are looking for a unique and alternative venue to really show off their individuality.
"What's great about the rising trend for more industrial-looking locations is that you can give your day a cool and edgy feel, while still having the option to dress it in a way that's personal to you - whether that's filling the room with flowers, playing around with lighting from candles and fairy lights, or leaving it neutral for a high-impact effect".
2018 Wedding Theme Trends
We spoke to wedding planner La Fete about the key theme and colour scheme trends for 2018 weddings.

“2018 is going to be all about natural light and stripping things back to basics – we are moving towards a minimalistic look where natural light and polished details are key."

Tying in really well with the industrial-style venue, La Fete also mentioned the appearance of copper and metallic details, marble aspects and white and green tones for any floral décor.
Wedding marquees allow the perfect amount of natural light and allow you to focus you decor on the tables etc, whilst ‘adding space’ through it ‘open’ design to prevent your wedding from feeling cluttered.
Tentickle International are the experts on wedding marquees and can offer guidance throughout your wedding planning and are known for their sublime service and products.
Posted on January 18th, 2018
4 Benefits of a Tent Wedding
If you’re not the typical “cookie-cutter" bride and are looking for a unique and breathtaking venue, then consider hosting a tent wedding! There are so many new features and the benefits that come along with a tent wedding, and beauty and possibilities are endless.

“Tent rental is so important because you never know what the weather’s going to be like," says Ramsey Duqum of Aable Rents. That’s especially true in Northeast Ohio! Just because you plan a wedding in June doesn’t mean you won’t encounter rain, and if you plan a wedding in May or September, there’s the chance you may still see snow! Having an outdoor tent wedding is a great way to enjoy the beautiful weather but also have a place of shelter in case Mother Nature is mad about not getting an invite. Plus, if you get walls, it can shelter you from all those pesky insects and will avoid any embarrassing pictures of you swatting away a bee. You can even heat or air-condition the tent to keep it the perfect temperature!
Dean from Miller’s Party Rentals ensures brides that “When it comes to rain and wind, a tent can be outfitted to handle both of those conditions. Many wedding tents are wind loaded for double digit wind gusts and side wall can be added to stop any rain from blowing into the tent." Keep in mind, though, that tents are temporary structures and will not be as safe as a building. Ben from All Events Rental reminds brides that “Here in Ohio, during the busy wedding season, there’s typically one big storm per week. If we’re lucky, that storm happens on a Tuesday or Wednesday and doesn’t really impact your wedding. If you’re not so lucky, you’re seeking shelter on your wedding day from a thunderstorm or worse." Though most tents can survive 40-60 mile per hour winds – and some can face up to 90 mph! – it can be unsafe and downright scary to do so. “Any good tenting company can supply a Tent Evacuation Plan in the scenario that having your event becomes too dangerous to have outside," says Charlie from Miller’s.

A tent wedding offers you a completely blank canvas to design according to your vision. With an indoor venue, though you may fall in love with a few features, there are so many aspects you cannot change like the flooring, wall color, architecture, view, layout. God forbid you fall in love with the giant windows overlooking Lake Erie but the wall colors completely clash with your color scheme. With a tent wedding, you don’t have to worry about that. “A tent also serves as a beautiful backdrop to enjoy and celebrate your big day. It can be a décor element in and of itself, or it can be customized to mirror each bride’s individual vision of their space!" says Duqum of Aable Rents. You can rent different sizes and styles and decorate it any way you’d like. That means hanging features, chandeliers, pillars, arches, a custom dance floor, and more!
However, Ben from All Events Rental wants to warn brides ahead of time what they’re getting into. “In terms of cost per square foot, tents are typically very reasonable," he says. “But, you’re essentially creating your very own reception hall for the weekend, and that’s not cheap. Tables, chairs, linens, china, silverware, glassware, dance floor, lighting, restrooms – those are just a few of the costs associated with a tented wedding which are oftentimes included in the cost of brick and mortar reception hall."

Because of the new features like walls and heating, you can get married outside any day of the year! Celebrate a New Year’s Eve wedding with a gorgeous view of the fireworks! Or a dreamy February wedding gazing upon the freshly fallen snow blanketing the venue grounds around you while you dance away in a dry and climate-controlled tent. Outdoor weddings aren’t just for the summer anymore! With a tent, you can celebrate your love for nature without having to wait until June rolls around.

If you just can’t decide between an outdoor or indoor reception, a tent is the perfect solution ! You can layout a tent however you like. Serve the dinner and cakes inside the tent but the drinks and dancing in the open air! Hang twinkling lights like in the picture above and enjoy the beauty of both the indoors and outdoors.
Tentickle International offers a range of wedding tents and setups. View Tentickle International’s wedding tents here and get started on bringing your dream wedding to life.
Posted on January 18th, 2018

Since we’re in the business of outdoor events, we understand just how destructive our darling Mother Nature can be. But we also know how important your occasion is, so we’ve come up with a few ideas to help save the day...
Plan B: Be smart so that if the weather doesn’t work in your favour on your big day you have a Plan B to fall back on. (Your Plan B might be arranging things so that you can pull things indoors quickly. Or you could also just throw everything into the swimming pool on the assumption that once everything is sodden, it can’t get any wetter. But that might not suit Anal Aunt Alice.)
The weather over there: If you’re planning a destination wedding, don’t forget to learn as much as you can about the weather in that destination. That dirts cheap airline ticket to a tropical island? Could be because it’s hurricane season. Although you might be looking forward to partying up a typhoon, you don’t want to plan your wedding on a tropical island during hurricane season. Trust us on this one.
Booking business: Always check the venue’s cancellation and postponements policies, and pay attention to policies regarding postponements due to natural disasters or ‘acts of god.’ How far in advance can you cancel or postpone, and how far in advance are they required to notify you if they cannot fulfil their contract? (And no, you probably won’t be able to cancel if you suddenly discover that you’re wearing the wrong undies as you’re walking up the aisle.)
Insurance assurance: One way to safeguard your big day: invest in wedding insurance. Research the available policies, and always read the fine print. Your special day is likely to be a major financial investment so choose a policy that’s appropriate for you, your location and your peace of mind. Don’t skimp on the insurance; when in doubt always, always… *always* safeguard yourself and your day!
Make a list. Check it twice: Always make sure that you have an updated and accurate hard-copy of your master list - which should include contact information of all wedding vendors, guests and members of the wedding party, and make sure that both you and your right-hand person (maid-of-honour, wedding planner, mum, best friend) have copies of this list. This way, any last minute changes in venue can quickly be communicated to all vendors and guests
Use the technology: There are numerous flight-tracking, road travel and weather applications that will help you stay on top of schedules, changes in weather and delays in travel. Forewarned is forearmed.
Calm, Cool, Collected: It’s happening - and there is nothing you can do about it. The weather’s worsening - or maybe disaster’s already struck - but you need to stay calm, cool and collected. The important thing to remember is that none of us can control ol’ Mother Nature - but we can prepare for her. So stop, breathe, and rely on your vendors and the people who have planned your day to help you weather the storm. And remember that Tentickle marquee tent manufacturers, UK based, high-quality tent suppliers, provide peace of mind because there tents can withstand some of the most harrowing weather and wind speeds up to 40 knots.
Posted on January 12th, 2018
12 conseils pour organiser un mariage chez soi
[Note from the blogger:

De mon expérience en qualité de wedding-planner fraîchement retraitée, cela ne s’applique que pour les mariages en petit comité. Pour les réceptions au-delà de 50 convives, la logistique inhérente à l’accueil devient très vite plus lourde. Il faut donc penser à chaque détail avant de se lancer dans l’aventure. J’ai listé pour vous mes 10 conseils pour organiser un mariage chez soi.
Rêver de son mariage dans le parc ou le sous-bois de la maison de famille, cela met des étoiles plein les yeux mais est-ce vraiment réalisable ? Oui, ce serait tellement poétique d’échanger vos voeux à l’ombre du grand chêne centenaire puis de dîner sous les étoiles, mais peut-on vraiment prendre le risque que la noce soit gâchée si la météo nous joue des tours ? Afin d’éliminer tout stress, il faudra anticiper vos plans B pour chaque temps de votre journée et budgétiser le coût de ces infrastructures éphémères.
Prévoir une tente
Si vous ne disposez pas d’une grange ou d’un espace réceptif couvert suffisamment grand, il faudra opter pour la location de tente de réception. Alors oui, elle ne fait pas vraiment rêver cette tente blanche cubique toute poupou à l’ossature de fer. Mais elle devient un poste incontournable à votre organisation en cas de pluie ou de vent violent.
Dans ce cas vous pourrez choisir entre :
- Le barnum classique,
- La tente cristal,
- La tente nomade
Il faudra prévoir 1M2/pers assise pour l’espace de réception et 0,5 m2/pers pour la piste de danse
Les options supplémentaires :
- avec ou sans parquet
- si barnum, avec ou sans velum
- avec ou sans guirlandes lumineuses
Règle d’or n°1 :
Toujours envoyer plusieurs demandes de devis et organiser un repérage sur place avec le professionnel retenu, avant de signer le contrat.
Règle d’or n°2 :
Pour éviter toute mauvaise surprise, toujours faire un plan d’implantation de la tente dans l’espace.
Prévoir un Office Traiteur
Afin d’assurer un service de qualité, le traiteur devra disposer d’un office raccordé à l’eau et l’électricité. Si votre cuisine est trop éloignée de l’espace dinatoire ou qu’elle est de petite taille, il faudra prévoir l’infrastructure nécessaire au bon déroulement de votre dîner. En quel cas, il faudra prévoir une ou deux pagodes et des buffets pour que le chef puisse dresser ses assiettes et les envoyer.
Prévoir des toilettes
Pour le confort de vos invités, la location de toilettes mobiles est nécessaire. Au cocktail, c’est rigolo de traverser le jardin vers la maison pour chercher les toilettes. Au dîner, cela devient juste pénible. Optez pour des toilettes sèches ou une caravane, bien plus sympathique que les toilettes de chantier :)
Prévoir l’éclairage intérieur et extérieur
Les bougies, c’est intimiste mais cela ne suffit pas à éclairer en qualité suffisante votre repas. Il faudra alors penser à votre éclairage. Des guirlandes guinguette, de beaux lustres ou des leds, selon votre ambiance et votre budget, vous pourrez ajuster ce poste. N’oubliez pas de prévoir les éclairages extérieurs jusqu’au Parking afin d’éviter de petits accidents de fin de soirée.
Evaluer les besoins électriques de votre réception
Organiser une réception chez soi nécessite des besoins électriques. Demandez au préalable à chaque prestataire ses besoins en Watts afin de vous assurer que les plombs de la maison ne sauteront pas. Et pour ceux qui ne veulent prendre aucun risque, louer un groupe électrogène. Il en existe aujourd’hui des ultra silencieux.
Prévoir un parking
Recevoir plus d’une centaine de convives, nécessite un espace de stationnement à proximité du lieu de la fête. Si le lieu n’en dispose pas, il faudra s’adresser à la mairie pour entrevoir des solutions annexes ou mettre en place un service de navettes.
Penser aux accès
Notamment pour vos prestataires et en priorité le traiteur et le tentiste. Il faut s’assurer qu’ils puissent accèdent à la maison avec leur camion.
Penser aux nuisances sonores
Il est impératif de prévenir le voisinage de cette réception exceptionnelle, ainsi que votre gendarmerie de quartier et les pompiers.
Penser au dortoir des petits
A moins de ne pas avoir d’enfants parmi les invités, il faudra prévoir la logistique des baby-sitters, des repas et du dodo. L’anticiper permet à tous de passer une soirée plus sereine. Il faudra du coup réserver dans la maison un endroit dédié au couchage. Charge aux parents d’amener leurs lits parapluie.
Pour pense-bête, prévoyez en nombre suffisant les professionnels en charge des petits et assurez-vous de leurs références :
- 1 personne qualifiée pour 2 bébés de 0 à 1 an
Si piscine, embaucher un maître nageur
Une piscine est toujours un visuel charmant mais il apporte son lot de dangers. Dans le contexte d’une fête, il est important de veiller à la sécurité de vos convives. Un accident est si vite arrivé.
Penser aux navettes
Pour que la fête se termine dans la joie et la bonne humeur, je recommanderai la mise en place d’un service de navettes. Soit en utilisant votre propre véhicule et en embauchant un chauffeur privé, soit en faisant appel à un service de navettes en bus ou mini-bus. Et pour ceux qui ne souhaitent ou ne peuvent pas investir dans ce poste, une affichette avec le contact de 2 à 4 taxis du coin sera utile.
Author: Clémentine Marchal
Source: http://www.leblogdemadamec.fr/blog-mariage-lifestyle/organiser-un-mariage-chez-soi/
Posted on December 5th, 2017
Tips & Ideas for Your Marquee Wedding

A marquee wedding… we must confess, we just love them. We can’t help but be impressed with the fabulous things couples do when they have a blank canvas to work with. And the guests? Well, they just love a marquee wedding – because, what’s not to love? They get the best of indoors and outdoors, and a wonderful intimate party feeling even when hundreds are attending. If this sounds good to you, here’s some key info to get you started.
Hiring a marquee
The Outdoor Wedding Company – these are your guys if you’re looking for something different. They’re the providers of stretch tents – unique-looking structures erected on poles and ropes, very festival in feeling, and unlimited in size and configuration options. They come both as roof-only or with side enclosures, and are weatherproof, stylish and modern.

Marquee Weddings in Ireland – is it a tent? Is it a conservatory? It’s the best of both! Their hardwall systems have that stunning marquee look overhead, while the sides are made of see-through aluminium frames. With this structure, you can admire the views while staying comfortable inside. A fab look in the summer, this design is particularly perfect for a marquee wedding in the cooler months too.

Marquee Marvel Ltd – the place to go for packages customised to your budget, and stylish traditional marquees. Tents can be erected on any surface, come with wooden floors, and all equipment is designed for maximum functionality and elegance. A huge variety of furniture and lighting options is also available – so tailoring your marquee wedding isn’t ever a problem.

Things to think about
Of all the reasons to have a marquee wedding, looks definitely take the top spot – the tents are simply gorgeous. But there are so many other reasons why you should! How about:
• Catering – hire whoever you like
• Huge flexibility with guest numbers
• No usual fees like corkage or room hire
• An enclosed tent is a safe space for kids
• Doing your own thing – personalise as much as you like
• Your own exclusive space – no sharing a venue with other couples
• Work all year round – yes, you could have a marquee in the winter
• A complete blank canvas – whatever decor you want, you shall have
• Pitch anywhere – yes, you could have your wedding wherever you like
• No quitting time – depending where you pitch, you could really party all night
If you’re considering a marquee wedding, we recommend not waiting until the last minute. Between May and September, marquees are in huge demand, so starting your research early and booking well in advance is best.
There are five things that make a marquee wedding different from a venue wedding. These are: the loos, power supply, chillout area, heating/cooling, and furniture. Many marquee companies will supply all these themselves, or will recommend trusted suppliers. Read our ‘where to start’ guide to make everything simple, and to make sure you ask all the right questions when hiring your supplier.

Marquee decor
Being clever with your booking time also means arranging everything will be much easier – after all, this is your blank canvas. Whatever you imagine, it can be created – so start the planning as soon as you can.
Having a completely blank canvas for your marquee wedding decor is exhilirating, but it could also be intimidating. How do you fill all that space? Don’t worry – it’s not all going to be empty. Once you agree on the layout of furniture, stage, dance floor and chillout area, you’ll find most of the area is filled – leaving you a much smaller job to do. Your marquee company will likely be providing all the furniture too, and they’ll discuss the layouts with you once you make your booking. Or if you’re hiring a separate supplier, you’ll need to take the essential information like size, shape and number of guests, and work out the plan in a meeting.

Many brides think something must be done with the great expanse of space overhead – but the truth is, it looks elegant on its own, and doesn’t need much embellishment at all. You could take the focus away from the ceiling by going for a beautiful theme with the tables. This could be one strong colour accent, or big floral arrangements for centrepieces, or every table done in a different colour. Standing plants and trees are also a great and easy decorating option you could hire.

If you’re having a Christmas-time marquee wedding, some of the space will probably be taken up by the tree and festive embellishments. You could have this anytime during December – people are already quite in the festive spirit by then, and your gorgeous decor will make them feel extra jolly for sure.
There are some decorations that look particularly good in a marquee – it just seems to fit! These are: bunting, pom-poms or lanterns hanging from the ceiling, and strings of lights. They can all be hired, bought or inexpensively made. And if you’d like even more ideas, here are 8 ways to decorate a wedding marquee.

Looking for an exceptional beautiful wedding tent? For marquee hire, Dublin or marquee hire, Cork’s top supplier of stretch tents are Tentickle Tents. Give them a call to discuss your specific needs.
Posted on September 29th, 2017
The key questions to ask when you hire a marquee

What sizes do you offer?
This usually depends on the hirer having a rough idea of numbers because you don’t want people to be squashed into a tiny space nor do you want an empty marquee, so choose your size wisely. The most realistic estimate you can give them is the best you can do, after all, closer to the time you can’t predict people dropping out or coming on board at the last minute.
Which kinds of marquees do you have?
There are lots of shapes to consider in your hunt for the perfect marquee. Traditional, tipi, yurt and stretch tent are just some of the styles out there so, depending on the atmosphere you want to create, it’s worth shopping around to pick the best shape for purpose.
Are your marquees insured?
Check if the marquee hire company has public liability insurance and damage waivers in place, and whether you need to get any further insurance to protect yourself. Even better, if they are members of MUTA, it means they must follow MUTA’s industry-leading Best Practice Guide and be legal, decent, honest and truthful.

Toilets, electrics, heating, catering and refrigeration...someone needs to make sure it’s looked after. The question here is: will you be able to let the marquee company take these issues off your hands or is it something you have to arrange for yourself? Either way, make sure you know before you proceed.
What extras will you need?
It depends entirely on the occasion but you need to consider what extra items you’ll need to entertain guests. A marquee for a wedding will need a good supply of tables and chairs; it’s worth looking into sorting a dance floor for an 18th birthday and corporate events require a good sound system for speeches. If you know what you need, ask if they can take care of this for you.
How do we choose a site?
Find out what is and what isn’t possible for the site you choose. If you don’t have a site in mind, the company should be able to find one for you in your preferred area. One typical problem you might encounter along the way is the issue of uneven or sloping ground. Most companies will be able to provide a range of options to cater for your needs, for instance, a raised platform can get around the problem of a slope.
This is a great starting point for anyone thinking about the first steps of hiring a marquee, and there are many more points we could cover. If you’re looking at stretch tent hire, uk or internationally, contact us and a member of our team will happily assist you.
Posted on August 3rd, 2017
Traumhafte Ideen für Hochzeitszelte

Was gibt es wohl schöneres als unter freiem Himmel seine Hochzeit zu zelebrieren? Zuerst eine romantische Trauung im Freien, dann das Dinner auf der großen Wiese … Und Dank einem kreativen Hochzeitszelt können Sie auch bei ein Bisschen Regen das Fest genießen! Wir haben ein paar traumhafte Ideen dazu …

Sie heiraten am Strand? Dann ist doch dieses kleine aber feine Hochzeitszelt aus Tüchern und Stäben, die im Sand stecken, doch die ideale Idee! Stellen Sie dazu viele kleine Zelte für Ihre Hochzeitsgäste bereit, wo es kleine Snacks und kühle Drinks bis zum Dinner gibt. Und ganz nebenbei kann man dem Rauschen des Meeres lauschen … Romantischer geht nicht!

Wer bei seiner Hochzeitslocation in heimischen Gefilden auch einen Park oder eine große Wiese zur Verfügung hat, der kann seine Hochzeitszeremonie nicht nur im Freienabhalten, sondern kann auch gleich das Dinner und die komplette Hochzeitsfeier unter freiem Himmel abhalten. Natürlich benötigt es auch hierfür ein Zelt als Schutz für Sonne, Wind oder ein paar Tropfen Regen. Bei Schönwetter können Sie dieses dann ganz einfach offen gestalten, sodass man von der Natur und dem Sonnenschein noch etwas mitbekommt. Abends beleuchten dann Laternen und Lampions das Zelt.

Natürlich darf auch bei Hochzeitszelten nicht die passende Hochzeitsdekoration fehlen. Hängen Sie im Innenbereich Lampions für die Beleuchtung von der Decke, Pompons aus Papier in den Hochzeitsfarben und Blumendekorationen. Der Kreativität sind dabei keine Grenzen gesetzt. Auch die Tischdekoration darf ruhig pompös und dekorativ daherkommen. Schließlich isst auch in einem Zelt das Auge mit.

Wer Platz genug hat, der kann für eine gemütliche Chillout-Ecke im Zelt sorgen. Dazu müssen Sie sich nicht unbedingt Möbel leihen, eine rustikale Dekoration zum Beispiel können ebenso Heuballen sein, die mit Tüchern und Pölstern in Szene gesetzt werden. Oder wie wäre es mit einer alten Couch?

Natürlich ist es nicht immer leicht eine große Hochzeitsgesellschaft in eine Zelt zu bringen. Dazu bedarf es schon ein richtig großes … Damit große Zelte nicht unschön aussehen, sollten Sie dafür sorgen, dass diese eine luftig leichte Optik haben. Umso größer das Hochzeitszelt, desto eher sollten Sie die Wände offen lassen. Die richtige Beleuchtung im Innenteil sorgt noch einmal für eine tolle Wirkung.
Lesen Sie mehr zum Thema Hochzeitsgestaltung in Ihrem Zankyou Hochzeitsmagazin und lassen Sie sich für Ihre Hochzeit inspirieren. Inzwischen können Sie auch Kontakt mit diesen Hochzeitsdeko-Profis aufnehmen: Das Deko-Team, Evetichwill, Blickfang Event Design, La Deko, Stuhlhussenverleih Sanorin. Für Stretch Hochzeitszelte besuchen Tentickle Stretch Zelte Deutchland.
Posted on June 6th, 2017